P: 501-274-1130 | F: 501-274-1131
1900 Club Manor Dr., Suite 101
Maumelle, AR 72113
8am - 8pm | Monday - Friday • 8am - 1pm | Saturday
About Us

Brandon Achor
Brandon is a born and raised native of Maumelle, AR. Before attending UAMS College of Pharmacy, Brandon spent his childhood attending Arkansas Baptist School System and enjoying year-round involvement in FUMC church basketball and Rolling Oaks baseball leagues. He would go on to work 6 summers at the Maumelle Community Center Pool, where he enjoyed the opportunity to teach the “Under 5 year old” swimming classes.
Following graduation from Arkansas Baptist High School, Brandon attend the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville to study Biochemistry and spent 1 semester abroad in Dublin, Ireland where he would discover his passion for pharmacy. Throughout pharmacy school, Brandon worked at Argenta Drug in North Little Rock and met the love of his life, fellow pharmacist-to-be Kaley, and they married in May of 2016.
After finishing pharmacy school, Brandon worked as Pharmacist in Charge at Lackie Drug Store in Lonoke, AR. Since the very beginning of his career, Brandon has remained active in the profession of pharmacy, serving as the elected District 3 Representative for the Arkansas Pharmacists Association since 2017 and the appointed Vice Chairman of the Arkansas Community Pharmacy Enhanced Services Network since 2018.
Brandon’s dedication to his patients and the profession have been recognized by the membership of the Arkansas Pharmacists Association, awarding him the 2019 Distinguished Young Pharmacists of the Year and the 2014 Charles M. West Leadership Award. Brandon is excited for him and Kaley to be able to return home and serve a community that serves others so well.
Distinguished Young Pharmacist of the Year: Nominees must have graduated with a doctoral degree in pharmacy less than 10 years ago and be a member of the Arkansas Pharmacists Association. Nominees must also be in the active practice of pharmacy and involved in the profession, displaying an interest in the future of the profession of pharmacy.
Charles M West Leadership Award: Established in 2004 by the Arkansas Pharmacy Foundation, this award recognizes a student of pharmacy who demonstrates outstanding potential in pharmacy leadership.

Kaley Achor
Kaley was born and raised in North Little Rock. Being just 15 minutes away, Kaley spent a substantial amount of time in Maumelle with her friends and family who are residents of this beautiful community. She attended the University of Central Arkansas prior to pursuing her Doctor of Pharmacy degree at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences College of Pharmacy. While completing her requirements at UCA and throughout pharmacy school, her and Brandon worked together at Argenta Drug in downtown North Little Rock. From the moment they went on their first date, they knew they were perfect for each other and were married in May of 2016.
A year later, she graduated from UAMS College of Pharmacy. Knowing she wanted to work in community pharmacy, more specifically with her husband in their own pharmacy, she spent an additional year completing a residency focused on services pharmacists can offer patients outside the dispensing of medications. During that year, she earned her residency credentials, teaching certificate and research certificate. She also spent 6 months working in a primary care clinic to advocate for continuity of care between providers, patients and their medications so that patients are best served by their health care team.
She truly values you as a person, your disease states, your medications, and meeting your needs. She cannot wait to get to know each and every one of you!
Community Pharmacy Residency and Certifications
Kaley spent her first year as a pharmacist completing a Community-Based Pharmacy Practice Residency accredited by the American Society of Health System Pharmacists in partnership with the American Pharmacists Association.
In addition to serving patients, learning new ways to help others, and collaborating with physicians, she received her Teaching Certificate and Research Certificate.
Charles M West Leadership Award: Established in 2004 by the Arkansas Pharmacy Foundation, this award recognizes a student of pharmacy who demonstrates outstanding potential in pharmacy leadership.